Wednesday 31 October 2018

Autobiography of a tree

Autobiography of A Tree
       I am a tree of a small .Proud and firm I stand on sandy ground .I like all the village folk for the care and concern they show me. 
I readily and happily offer shelter to their goats and sheep. Their children play under my care and protection. I owe them my life.
It was long  ago, when I was young and slim. I cared only for my desire to grow up. One day, I saw the gang of the king's axemen sharpening their axes to cut me down. I became highly anxious. I trembled with fear. Suddenly. a loud voice echoed through the village. ''Do not cut our trees. They are the breath of our life.'' 
       It was Mamta , My neighbour . I never knew that  she loved me so much . She hugged my trunk so tightly that three axeman  were not able to tear her away from me . "Chop me first," she cried . "Take my life but  leave my trees alone."I was moved by her affection but had no means to express my feelings . I could only shed  a few of my leaves on her to show my gratitude . The axemen were surprised  at her protest , but they were trained to obey orders . They tore her away from me and threw her on the ground . Mamta got up quickly and hugged me again . She cried and wept badly . 
       Suddenly , 100 s of villagers , old and young, rushed towards me and other trees . Each one hugged one of us . The king's axeman were unable to touch any tree . They beat and arrested several men and women . It terrified me . At least seven villagers hugged my trunk to save me fore the axes . I shared 100s of my leaves on them . the king heard of the intense public protest . he rushed to the spot . He stood under me when the villagers begged for mercy on trees.The king ordered that this village would never be called upon to provide timber to his men nor would any hunting be permitted here . Today even after 2 centuries , the greenery of this village is enact. The village is an oasis in the region that is almost  a desert.

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